Live Manila Clams

$7.99 lb

SKU: sp01 Category:


Seasons / Availability

Manila clams are available year-round and are imported to us on a daily basis.

Serving Size

The average serving size of manila clams is one pound. These clams are presented rinsed and live and should be refrigerated and removed from the packaging immediately so they can breath.

Nutritional Information

A 3.5 oz portion of Manila Clams has 75 calories, 12 grams of protein, 1/2 gram of fat, 33 mg of cholesterol and 55 mg of sodium.

Did you know?

The manila clam live just below the surface of sand-gravel beaches in the protected bays of the Georgia Strait and the west coast of Vancouver Island. Manilas typically feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton.